Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Weary World Rejoices by Naomi Craig

“Are you ready to emerge from the darkness in which you sit?” This was one of my favorite quotes from The Weary World Rejoices. This book is a great way to start off the Christmas season. Naomi Craig was very creative in her retelling of the Scripture found in Matthew 2:3-4,

“When King Herod heard this, he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. And when he had assembled all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he asked them where the Christ was to be born."(BSB)

The Weary World Rejoices is the story of Amal, Herod the Great’s chief scribe. He has been tasked with discovering where the baby called “the King of the Jews” was to be born. Little did he know how much this assignment would change his life and trajectory forever.

Along the way, we get to experience several beloved Biblical figures through the eyes of Amal, including those named and unnamed. I don’t want to spoil it for the readers, so I won’t mention them all by name. (We get to see Zechariah! -YAY!) Just know if you are fan of this genre, you will enjoy reading this story!

I loved Amal’s story. His journey was not only a physical one, but a spiritual one as well. It made me think about other people’s journey learning about Jesus.

This is not the kind of story you can just zip through. It is full of detail about geography and culture, and the reader will want to savor each moment of being in the land of Israel with Amal, and those he encounters along the way.

Many blessings to you as you journey to know the Lord Jesus,

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