Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Women of Christmas

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well! I have had it in my heart for a while to write about the "Women of Christmas." I have written about them a little bit in my series on Women in the Life of Jesus, but there is so much more to explore.

Something that the Lord has been emphasizing during this season, I believe, is the presence of the Holy Spirit. We have heard that under the Old Covenant, the Holy Spirit would only come on 3 offices, the prophet, priest, and king. I think we can add the judge to that as well because we see Him in the life of Deborah and Sampson for example.

But He would come and leave. It doesn't seem like they have the Holy Spirit permanently residing in them. I think that's why David prayed this in Psalm 51:11,

"Cast me not away from Your presence; take not Your Holy Spirit from me."

Do you remember?

But something happens when we get to the New Testament. We start having a transition. Grace is coming.

How does this involve the Women of Christmas? Which women are they? To me the Women of Christmas are Mary, Elizabeth, and Anna.

In Luke's Gospel, chapter 1 and 2, we see the story of Christmas. Luke and Matthew are the only two Gospel writers that mention the birth of Jesus, but Luke is the only one that mentions Elizabeth and Anna.

We also see mention of the Holy Spirit. Just like there was more angelic activity surrounding the birth of Jesus, it also seems as though there was more activity with the Holy Spirit.

Why? I think there is a reason. Everything is significant. It all means something.

Over the next few days, I would like to share a (short) series about the Women of Christmas with you.

Merry Christmas,

If you would like to read the series Women in the Life of Jesus, click on the highlighted link.

To read the Women of Christmas series, use the following links:

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