Thursday, September 20, 2012

Wide-Five Minute Friday

How wide can my arms open to hold my children?

How wide can my heart open with love for them before breaking?


How wide did Jesus' arms open for me?

Those arms He opened wide made everything else that I do widely possibly.  Writing widely to an open audience all over the earth.  Being a mom widely to a big family that in my younger years I would have never thought possible but now God has in His gracious mercy has blessed me with.  Open my heart widely to other people to share with them what God has given to me.

When I first saw the topic, this song popped into my head.  I don't know all the words or even if these are the right ones, but here's the song.

Deep and wide, deep and wide;
There's a fountain flowing deep and wide.

Deep and wide, deep and wide;
There's a fountain flowing deep and wide.

My whole life is possible because of that fountain however wide it may be. 


  1. I love this! Have a great Friday, my friend!

  2. I feel like I'm cheating, but I have to keep putting the same comment on all the Five Minute Friday posts this week because I started my Five Minute Friday off with this song, too. :) Must be a children's church/VBS staple.

    It’s so hard to comprehend God's love for us, especially when we are surrounded by so many people that let us down, change their minds, and decide they don’t want to love us after all. I’m so glad He gave us His Word so we can constantly be reminded that His love is true love.
