Saturday, July 27, 2019

Five Minute Friday: Middle

Today I am participating in Five Minute Friday, where a group of writers get together and freewrite, with no editing, about a one word prompt for 5 minutes.  Today's word is  "middle."

Here I am stuck in the middle with you…

That’s part of some song lyrics. I don’t remember which one. But it just popped into my head with this week’s prompt, “middle.”

So, here I am stuck in the middle of my story, with Jesus. I bet you are there too.

That’s a good place to be, in the middle. It means you are not at the beginning, and not at the end.

Sometimes it feels uncomfortable being in the middle. Like, if you are in the middle of a row at church, or a concert, or a ball game of some type.

Or if you are in the middle seat of an airplane or a car.

But to be in the middle of your story with Jesus is a good place to be. It might seem like it is a little uncomfortable, like in those other places above. But if you are in the middle, you are not at the beginning. That’s good in a way because it means you know some things. You have experienced some things.

And it is good that you are not at the end. It means you are not finished yet.

So, what does it mean to be in the middle? It means you are still learning. But it also means you should be teaching somebody else.

Here in the middle, Jesus is still teaching you. He is still speaking to you, whispering to your heart, and you are still learning. He is still a good teacher. He is the same with you as He was in the Gospels. He speaks to us now by His Spirit, by the Holy Spirit.

What you hear Him whisper, you need to speak to another human. As a disciple, you are also a teacher. Don’t wait until you think you have “arrived.”

In fact, teaching somebody else, can push you forward.

Being in the middle with Jesus is a good place to be.

*I looked up the song lyrics. Stuck in the Middle is a song written by Gerry Rafferty and Joe Egan and orginally performed by their band Stealers Wheel.


  1. I love this reflection on 'middle'. You reminded me of a sweatshirt my mum loved to wear with the logo 'Be patient - God has finished with me yet!'
    And I was inspired by a song lyric too.
    Your FMF Neighbour #35

  2. I'm in the middle of the dying,
    and the signs are looking bad,
    but I'm not yet done with trying
    for there's fun to yet be had.
    I see and feel the tumours now
    and cannot turn my head,
    but that's okay for I know how
    to turn the rest of me instead.
    Before this all got started,
    one thing I did not see
    was that if I keep big-hearted
    every day's a victory.
    Sure, the result is painful death
    but I'll be there with laughing breath.

    #1 at FMF this week.

  3. Boy do I feel stuck in the middle at this point in my life, sadly I needed to be reminded that I need him now and not when I have arrived. I think my mom and I have been waiting to heal emotionally before allowing anyone to be truly with us including God.
