Sunday, May 22, 2011

Through the Bible in 120 Days: Genesis 1-10

As my blog title suggests, I just started a new challenge for myself of reading through the Bible in 120 days. I had been considering doing this for a while when my friend on facebook mentioned started another challenge. She has already done it once this year.

As part of my challenge, and to record what God teaches me during this time, I decided to journal along while I read and make notes. I took 4 pages of notes today, so I am going to have to quit double-spacing if I want any more paper in my journal by the time I get out of Genesis.

I have considered a few goals in addition to reading the 10 chapters per day. I am going to remind my fellow readers what we are reading today. I am going to post in the facebook group. AND.....I am going to blog regularly about what I am learning! OYE! Am I setting myself up or what?

I believe I will learn so much and I want to share what I learn and hear some feedback from you as we go along. So, today I want to share a few things I learned while reading, and hear your response.

1. Did you know that Adam and the animals were created from the dust of the ground, but Eve was the only one who came from something else? God formed her from Adam's rib. (I knew how she was formed, but it didn't dawn on me until reading that she was the only one formed this way.) -See Genesis 2:19-21

2. Did you know that Noah and his family were on the boat a little over a year? If you find the difference in age from the time he entered the ark until the time you came out of the ark, you will see where I got the number. -See Genesis 7:11 and Genesis 8:13

These are just a couple of things I learned today while reading Genesis 1-10. I am endeavoring to read the text with an open heart and fresh eyes. Won't you join me on this journey? If you decide to read, please comment below, or if you want to share something you have learned, post that too! Happy Reading!

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